10 Lessons Learned Over 40 Years of Drug Development Research in Psychiatry

10 Lessons Learned Over 40 Years of Drug Development Research in Psychiatry

Sheldon Preskorn, MD, Senior Vice President of Neuroscience, presented “10 Lessons Learned Over 40 Years of Drug Development Research in Psychiatry” at the 2024 CNS Summit.

Dr. Preskorn provided strategies for enhancing clinical trial design, minimizing patient selection issues and reducing trial variability to improve study outcomes in psychiatric drug development, as informed by decades of research.

Sheldon Preskorn, MD

Sheldon Preskorn, MD

Sheldon Preskorn, MD, Senior Vice President of Neuroscience, is an academic physician, psychiatrist, clinical researcher, neuropsychopharmacologist and medical educator. He has worked with over 140 pharmaceutical, biotech, device and diagnostic companies and has worked on 16 successful New Drug Applications. His publications include over 500 medical papers, books and book chapters. Further, he has been cited in medical literature over 18,000 times. Dr. Preskorn has served as a consultant to the FDA, EMA and NIH and has lectured in 55 countries and at most medical schools in the US and throughout the world.

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